My Journey to Inspiration Begins


Life is a series of breaths, each one marking a moment in time, a heartbeat of existence. From our first breath to our last, we are in a constant dance with life’s fragility and resilience.

I was born four weeks premature at Kingsbury Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa and from that very first breath, my journey with respiratory issues began. My entry into the world was marked by meconium aspiration, a condition where a distressed baby inhales amniotic fluid into the lungs. This early challenge was just the start of a long battle. At just nine months old, I contracted measles, which left my lungs even more compromised.

From then on, my life was a whirlwind of doctor visits and hospital stays. My parents, ever determined and unwavering in their love, took me to every specialist they could find. Living in Springbok, the heart of the Namaqualand region in the Northern Cape province of South Africa, meant frequent, exhausting trips to Cape Town, particularly to Red Cross Hospital. The constant medical appointments put a significant strain on our family, yet they never faltered. My siblings were often either tagged along on these trips or lovingly cared for by friends or sometimes meant Dad stayed home and looked after them. My mother, a dedicated nursing sister, used her expertise to ensure I received the best possible care, her nurturing presence a constant comfort.

In search of better opportunities and healthcare for me, we eventually moved to Klerksdorp, where my father started a business. My fragile health made attending crรจche impossible, so my grandparents stepped in, providing a safe and loving environment. Their home was a haven of warmth and care, a place where I could feel like any other child, despite my health struggles.

In 1985, we moved back to Cape Town, hoping to be closer to advanced medical facilities. It was then that I began seeing Dr. Jan Vermeulen, a pediatrician at Panorama. Dr. Vermeulen quickly became more than just my doctor; he became like a pa to me. His kindness, patience, and unwavering support made an indelible mark on my heart, and even today, we stay in touch, a beautiful reminder of the bonds formed through shared struggles.

Despite all the efforts and treatments, multiple severe viral infections left me with chronic lung disease. This condition shaped my early life in profound ways. Every day was a new challenge, but it also taught me resilience and the power of hope. My family’s unwavering support, the dedication of my doctors, and the love that surrounded me gave me the strength to face each day with courage.

Growing up with chronic lung disease meant regular treatments, medications, and constant monitoring. With constant hospital visits, I quickly became accustomed to hospitals and medical procedures. Simple tasks that others took for granted were monumental achievements for me. Yet, through it all, I found joy in small victories and learned to cherish every breath. My condition became a driving force, pushing me to seek a better quality of life and to appreciate the beauty in everyday moments.

As I reflect on my journey, I am filled with gratitude. Gratitude for my parents, whose love knew no bounds; for my siblings, who shared in the sacrifices; for my grandparents, who provided a haven of love; and for Dr. Vermeulen, whose care and compassion gave me hope. My story is one of resilience, love, and the incredible power of perseverance. It is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the importance of never giving up, no matter how difficult the journey may be.

Welcome to "A New Breath," my journey with chronic lung disease later diagnosed as Bronchiolitis Obliterans. This is just the beginning of my story, a story of a life filled with challenges and triumphs. I invite you to join me on this journey. Together, we will explore the highs and lows, the moments of joy and despair, and the unwavering hope that has carried me through. Each breath is a reminder of the limitations imposed by my lungs. The incredible journey that lay ahead culminated in a life-changing decision: my lung transplantation.


  1. Your story is so incredible and inspiring Aunty Tanya! I miss you guys so much and I hope all is going well❤️

  2. Hey my Sweetheart, thank you so much! Really appreciate the kind words.

  3. Tanya ek is bevoorreg om jou te kan ken. Jou long oorplanting het my gehelp om te registreer as ‘n “organ donor” Mag dit elke dag net goed gaan met jou. Hoendervleis om jou storie te lees. ♥️♥️

    1. Hey vriendin.. baie baie dankie vir die mooiste woorde, ek waardeur dit so baie ❤๐Ÿ˜ Hoop jy geniet al my stories. Baie liefde xxxxx

  4. Kudos my friend! Lief jou baie, you are such an inspiration๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ

    1. Susan vs Merwe

    2. Ah dankie vriendin! Ek waardeur dit so baie! ๐Ÿ˜❤ Lief jou ook baie xxxxx

  5. Dankie Tanya - jy is ‘n inspirasie vir my.

    1. Baie dankie, dit beteken regtig baie! ๐Ÿ˜

  6. Proud of you!

    1. Thank you, dear friend, it really means so much to me!❤๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


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