Elke pot het sy deksel (Every pot has its lid)


“Breathe deeply, until sweet air extinguishes the burn of fear in your lungs and every breath is a beautiful refusal to become anything less than infinite.” – D. Antoinette Foy

One fateful Friday afternoon, while catching up on homework at a special friend's house, I met someone who would change my life forever. Standing tall, dark, and handsome in the driveway, he looked beyond my breathing difficulties and saw me for who I truly was. His genuine kindness and acceptance was a breath of fresh air, and he asked me out on a date the very next day. Our connection was instant and deep, proving the saying "elke pot het sy deksel" (every pot has its lid) to be true.

As we journeyed together, we faced many challenges, but our love and faith in each other and the Lord guided us through. Every step of the way, I was reminded that things happen for a reason, and our paths are shaped by a higher purpose. We are put on journeys we don't always understand, but they often lead to beautiful destinations we never imagined. Like all marriages, ours has had its ups and downs that were sometimes amplified by the added strain caused by my condition, but these experiences have only made us stronger. The Lord brings couples closer through shared trials, and today, we are closer than ever.

We got married on 02-02-2002, a date that symbolized a new beginning for us both. I was 23, and Schalk was 25. Schalk owned his own business, which allowed him the flexibility to be by my side during my frequent hospital stays. He would sit next to my bed, laptop in hand, turning my hospital room into his "office." The nurses got so accustomed to his presence that they would carry on with their tasks as if he weren't there. Even the hospital coffee shop staff knew his order by heart and assumed he was a shareholder!

Schalk's dedication during these times was unwavering. He asked doctors countless questions, conducted extensive research, emailed medical aids, and explored new treatments. He left no stone unturned in his quest to ensure I received the best care possible. He found me new doctors, including the exceptional Dr. John O’Brien, and often accompanied me to appointments to stay informed and advocate for the best treatment options. Sometimes to the irritation of the medical professionals.

When we were told that having children wouldn't be possible, Schalk decided to bring joy into our lives in another way. He surprised me with a yorkie, our fur baby, Dash. Schalk's love and creativity shone through when he smuggled Dash into the hospital in a sports bag, hiding him under my duvet during nurse visits. Dash became our everything, accompanying us on trips to visit family in Mossel Bay, shopping outings, and everywhere else.

My in-laws and sister-in-law welcomed me with open arms, embracing me despite my health challenges. Their acceptance and love meant the world to me, and they became an integral part of our journey. It couldn't have been easy for them to see Schalk marry someone who was often sick, but they looked past my condition and saw the person I was inside.

Through all the trials and triumphs, our love has only deepened. Schalk often reminds me that our experiences are the chapters in our lives, not the entire book that is our life. Shaping us into who we are today. Each challenge has brought us closer together, reinforcing our belief that everything happens for a reason and that the Lord's plan is always greater than our understanding.

As I reflect on our journey in this blog, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible support, love, and resilience that have carried us through. Our story is one of unwavering faith, enduring love, and the beautiful truth that every pot indeed has its lid. (Elke pot het sy deksel.)

"Life's imperfections are inevitable, but your response to them defines your journey. Embrace each trial without falling apart, and you will uncover profound peace and happiness. Isn't that what we all truly desire from life?" - Schalk Bothma


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